Leslie Dashew has specialized in working with families in business for over 30 years. She brings her prior experience in family therapy and organizational development to her practice. Her focus is assisting families gain clarity about their vision for the future and develop comprehensive, integrated plans to achieve those goals. She helps clients gain harmony in the family and prosperity in their businesses.
Joe’s specialties are families in business, families of wealth and family foundations. Since 1978, he has helped families communicate better, plan for their future, and grow their tangible and intangible assets.
Burak works as Secretary General at Zorlu Holding, based in Istanbul, one of the leading conglomerates in Turkey with international operations, active in various industries, among others, textiles, energy, consumer electronics, white goods, telecoms, real property, mining and metallurgy.
Jonathan advises family businesses in both the US and Israel. He consults with families in business on goal setting, role development, governance, communication, transition, leadership and culture building. He has worked in a variety of industries including manufacturing, high tech, food service, law offices and charitable institutions. In all he is a keen observer and helps his clients gain insight they can act on.
Donnel is a behavior and social learning specialist who brings more than 15 years of experience to his work with families in business. His focus is facilitating engagements that present opportunities for clients to strengthen their ability to share and receive knowledge. With ongoing consideration for the client’s zone of proximal development, he designs and orchestrates interactions where learning goals are targeted and within reach of individuals and teams.
Shelley Taylor is a Family Business Advisor who works with business-owning families on matters pertaining to governance, structure, role clarity, next generation development, generational transitions, and family councils. Shelley is an astute listener and a strategic thinker who fosters collaboration and promotes understanding and appreciation of the varied perspectives inherent in multi-generational families.
Joyce leads A&R Strategy Partners, a transformational strategy and process improvement consulting firm she founded twelve years ago to bring diverse senior leadership experience to mid-sized family owned companies.
We lost a great human being in 2021 when Bill Roberts passed away suddenly; however, Bill was prepared. Bill was an expert on so many important things related to family business; and, he was our guy on emergency planning. Bill learned to place the family part, the emotional realities, front and center in his work with clients. We’re in shock but Bill prepared us enough that paths forward are already discernible.