Vision as a Guiding Principle: An Interview With Leslie Dashew


For our fourth post in the series on “The New Normal,” we present an interview with Leslie Dashew who shares some key insights based on decades of experience as a family business advisor.

In this short video, Aspen Associate, Donnel Nunes, PhD asks questions of AFBG partner, Leslie Dashew about the power of a shared vision to serve as a tool for guiding decision making and planning. Additionally, Leslie addresses four key questions to consider and guidance for keeping your vision current with the times.

Enjoy the video interview and if you have any comments about this series post, please leave us a comment on our YouTube channel.

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In addition to the video interview, we recommend that you check out Leslie Dashew’s post “Safety in Family Businesses” to provide some additional insight on fostering safety in families that leads to building shared understanding.

Leslie Dashew
About the Author

Leslie Dashew has specialized in working with families in business for over 30 years. She brings her prior experience in family therapy and organizational development to her practice, which focuses on assisting families gain clarity about their vision for the future and develop comprehensive, integrated plans to achieve those goals.      ( view bio )

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